Discovered by Japanese beauty researchers, the time of beauty routine should be done between 8pm~10pm everyday. It's where our skin will be at the weakest point and it's our job to take care of our skin to maintain it's youthfulness ^^ When our skin at the weakest point, it is recommended to do our facial routine (cleanse, toner, moisturiser, masks etc...) between these hours to avoid further damage to our skin (i.e. dry skin will result getting fine lines/wrinkles). So ladies, remember to remove your make-up, clean your face and slap on toner, moisturiser right after you back home.
After 11pm~1pm it's highly recommended for you to go to bed as this hours is the 'Golder hours'. This is the time where your body will works diligently to repair/renew skin cells~ so make sure you sleep before 11pm everyday to receive the magical treatment by your own body! tee-heee... starting from now on I want to get a beauty sleep as many as I can and no more overnight facebook game grrr...
I know sometimes it's too hard for us to get beauty sleep everyday due to work or some other stuff going on but at least you must must remember to remove your make-up + moisturise your skin before going to bed. And don't ever sleep with your make-up on because it will only lead to clogged pores and end up acne/pimple to pop out of your face T_T
My 2 recommended easy to remove make-up remover will be
oohhlala~ I love Hada Labo products so so much! This make-up remover is gel water based and easily removed any dirt or make-up on your skin plus with the hyaluronic acid ingredient added it make the skin moisture and won't strip away the skin natural oil.
Pros: Remove almost most of the dirt/bb-cream/make-up on my skin. No fragrance.
Cons: Although it said mild enough to be used for eye remover, the chemical is too painful for my eyes and it hardly works on water proof mascara/thick make-up due to water based formula.
4 out of 5 star!

I only ever tried on the wipes remover. As you can see this 1 is an oil-based remover. This remover also leave my skin smooth and moisturised and it's convenient/easy to use. If you're using wipes make-up remover remember to cleanse with your daily cleanser later as using wipes cannot completely remove all the dirt/make-up. Just to be cautious as you don't want to end up sleeping with make-up later.
Pros: Easy to clean, can clean away almost all the make-up have better cleaning power than Hada Labo. And the wipes also very convenient to bring when go travelling.
Cons: If using the wipes, 1 pc will not be enough for entire face especially when have eyes make-up so very not economical. I don't really like the smell of it.
4.5 out of 5 star!
That's all for my beauty sharing for now ^.^ hopes it can helps you to be beautiful~ and even more beautiful... hehe I'm so excited about tomorrow! Ohya, I haven't mentioned about my good news here yet and that is... if you have read my Hada Labo reviews few months ago, I did mentioned advertorial about Hada Labo Perfect Match contest right? and guess what?! I am one of the 14 HL Perfect Match Winner! Oh my... I'm so thrilled until now since last few weeks knowing it ^^ well, tomorrow I'll be having my 1st ever magazine photo shoot!!! Hoorayyy~ my sort of dream have come true... okay for now~ I'm going to do my dance of joy again lalalala.... stay tuned for more beauty tips from blossiebunny blog =) thank you for viewing
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