okay~ went to comic fiesta at s.pyramid on sat. My bro wanted to come here this time bcos of it so there I go to have a look at the happening there. There're so many cosplay walking here & there around the convention centre haha... a lot of them dress up very nice, some even dress in cutey pink @.@ while some in super sexy costume. Wee~ unfortunately I didn't see any ffx cosplay so kinda dissapointed but I did took few photos with them, well in fact only 2 -.- plus all others are just my bro cosplay pics lol. So, the main thing about cosplay is to show off ur cool costume and fame ba (who get to attract others to take photo with them LOL) and I have no idea what character they r -.-" maybe u know them than I do ba lol
*The crowd
*Rei & me
*photos with cosplay participant ^o^
*a gal cosplay same as Rei haha~ wat a coincidence
DAY 2 photographs
*my fav ^o^ she looks like sailormoon~ err i guess so ba
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