huhu~ I'll be off to my hometown next week lurr... so these few days am busying playing all the xbox games here like tekken, street fighter, borderland (fyi, i still not manage to finish up this game & i'm only like lv30+ -.- zzz saw others shared their game exp they're like over lv50+ still keep wondering how do they play it so pro) but still borderland is the best xbox game which i like to play laa. Played left4dead 2 but the gameplay is just as disappointed as the previous 1 zzz not my type of game cos no gun aiming & the whole time i just simply shoot blindly -.- booo! or maybe i played borderland too much haha~
Can't wait to go back kk to meet all my buddies ^o^ miss them so much~ huhu
But i'm gonna miss here too cos i have freedom & xbox game & of cos my love too keke... hope i'm able to come back here soon cos i've mentioned to my parents earlier that i'm going to try my luck to search for a job here la... it's not easy to find job anywhere though, even in kk also very hard plus with the salary for a fresh graduate i don't think i can have extra $ after paying all my debts -.- yea must i remember i still owed government a study loan & i shall pay it back when i got a job or they'll blacklist me which make me cannot have freedom to borrow any loan from banks later on. so damn stress when think of the debts grrr...
Recently, i've been thinking alot when i have nothing to do... like i want to learn this, that or whatsoever (@.@ eyes rolling) i want to learn a little bit of programming, i want to learn other foreign language like jap, korean, french u named it. then i want to learn design (roll eyes again -.-') aikss... my stupid brain keep functioning like this these days, maybe it's becos of my graduating that i think omg~ i'm gonna stop studying & need to start working, or maybe learning something new never stop me from doing what i love to do. but must i say, i don't have an Einstein brain either, i'm quite a slow learner zzz
but thinking of working, it makes me feel sick & nervous... i know it's gonna be boring & i'll do the same routine everyday plus have to hear gossips from other colleagues or being blamed by your boss? nahh... that's not the life that i wanted or maybe my feeling for these days (or brain malfunction) just an escape to the real world. well, what am i gonna do? guess, the best things now is to enjoy the life i enjoyed & let the future drifting to me bit by bit...
Feeling gloomy yet exited at the same time ~.~
Happy holidays everyone :-)