Greetings from Cathay Cineplexes!
CONGRATULATIONS! You have won the SECOND PRIZE for Cathay Cineplexes' THE UGLY TRUTH box-office contest!
You have won:
THE UGLY TRUTH merchandise worth RM1650 courtesy of SONY PICTURES.
then I was like... wow I won 2nd prize?! then my bf also like... what?!
Ooo ~ it's 2nd prize sumore lerr & I love the movie & RM1650 merchandise from SONY PICTURES! LoL... I was so excited! Went to collect my prize on tuesday with full of excitement cuz I never in my life won such contest b4 -.-
and there we went to collect my prize at cineplex damansara...
do you want to guess what I got????
**** here
seroiusly!!! Is this worth RM1650???? Couple white tee - 2 set ; 2 couple white pants which both also too big for me & I'll give it to my bf ; 2 love shape white pillow ; 2 love shape tin can sweet T__T it taste awful. I felt like I kena con by them LoLx but actually my bf only spent 2 movie tickets to watch the movie last time ;p do you think the staff took some valuable stuff inside my 2nd prize bag? the paper bag also like not seal or something T____T
then I'm kinda disappointed T___T nahh! no dvds nor free movie tickets/voucher from cineplex also zzz I only like the couple tee anyway, it looks something like levi's couple tee but this 1 is only with black & white... LoLs the whole prize are sooo damn white too...
After collecting the prize, we watched 'The Fourth Kind' by Milla Jovovich (actress from resident evil, the perfect gateaway) ^.^ she has a goddess eyes...
woooOoo... the movie really creep me it's a Fact-based thriller involving an ongoing unsolved mystery in Alaska, where one town has seen an extraordinary number of unexplained disappearances during the past 40 years and there are accusations of a federal cover up. It's very very real & I'm not sure whether want to believe it or not but most of the video were from the original scenes taken long time ago. Very disturbing movie too which make me can't sleep after watching it cos imagining I'm being taken away & never to come back again T___T so creepy... go & watch the movie, it is you who will decide whether you want to believe it or not!
Then, I have bought another new baby ^.^ keke... lol it's not alive though.
My new baby... guess what it is
Ooo ~ it's 2nd prize sumore lerr & I love the movie & RM1650 merchandise from SONY PICTURES! LoL... I was so excited! Went to collect my prize on tuesday with full of excitement cuz I never in my life won such contest b4 -.-
and there we went to collect my prize at cineplex damansara...
do you want to guess what I got????
**** here
then I'm kinda disappointed T___T nahh! no dvds nor free movie tickets/voucher from cineplex also zzz I only like the couple tee anyway, it looks something like levi's couple tee but this 1 is only with black & white... LoLs the whole prize are sooo damn white too...
After collecting the prize, we watched 'The Fourth Kind' by Milla Jovovich (actress from resident evil, the perfect gateaway) ^.^ she has a goddess eyes...
woooOoo... the movie really creep me it's a Fact-based thriller involving an ongoing unsolved mystery in Alaska, where one town has seen an extraordinary number of unexplained disappearances during the past 40 years and there are accusations of a federal cover up. It's very very real & I'm not sure whether want to believe it or not but most of the video were from the original scenes taken long time ago. Very disturbing movie too which make me can't sleep after watching it cos imagining I'm being taken away & never to come back again T___T so creepy... go & watch the movie, it is you who will decide whether you want to believe it or not!
Then, I have bought another new baby ^.^ keke... lol it's not alive though.
My new baby... guess what it is

comes with the leather cover too!
hohoho~ I'm gonna bling bling it soon - muahahahaha *evil laugh* ;D
the design is so sleek & elegant! It comes with 6 different color black, red, grey, white, pink & blue. Haha... actually I'm tired of pink already, now my place is full of pinky stuff so I decided to get the white 1 :) love it very much! I wanna get a new white laptop too teehee (^.^)v
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