Haha... as usual haven't start anything yet loll. In the morning, after wake up, having breakfast & day dreaming for few minutes~ in spite of start doing my revision. LoL... I have the mood to clean my hse toilet & kitchen sink hahaha~ this is what our teacher used to say 'Doing right thing at the wrong time' -.- lols... so my toilet & sink is very crystal clear lahh now but my mind is empty keke!
Actually, I'm busy playing a new game 'Borderland' with my bf~ lolx
The game really make me addicted x.x cham lorr~ I don't want to get addicted like chionging maple last time. zzz
So, why I like the game? Hmm... it is not online game. Can be played with PS3, Xbox 360. Can split screen~ just like the resident evil 5 we used to play before. Borderland is more like RPG first person view game. Can level up, have quest for you to do so can earn EXP for lvling and also cash for buying new equipment. So, it's kinda similar to maple mmorpg type. So what else! Of cos I loving it la hahaha~ again wrong timing to play such an exciting game lols!
So, how's your weekend & study week?
Anyway, Goodluck to all who's having exam soon! Let us pass with flying colour ^.^
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