Actually I want to go there cause wanna buy a PACK of food just for my bunny, yes JUST A PACK of food LoL
Anyway let's stick to the movie for now.
I kinda like the movie and its WAY BETTER than G.I Joe
This movie is about how human & aliens live together. ^.^ very creative and cool!
I can see that there's mixture of concept in there like transformer/ironman, G.I Joe supersonic weapons, Terminator.
But that's the point! As most of these movies are everyone's favorite rite!
If you like them then you really really SHOULD watch it! Although there's some disgusting scenes of human exploding, alien killing human, human killing alien bla bla bla... it's worth watching and you won't regret it at all! But of cos in this movie no sexy gals lar LoLs..
As the story go on, you will be humor by the main character in the story but also will pissed him because of his cowardliness and how he betrayed the alien. Grrr!!!
Then the ending is kinda sad too... I hope there will be a second chapter of this movie.
Thumbs up :D 5 out of 5 stars yea~~
Wahaha~ when it's come to movie review I'm The No.1 fans! LoLs...
Final Destination 4 is coming soon! Wooot... can't wait it!
Final Destination 4 is coming soon! Wooot... can't wait it!
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