Went to Melaka during the Public holiday. The journey was quite long, I think it's about 2 hours. When reached there, I was very excited!!! The landscape there is very unique. A small town with almost everything in there~ like the harbour walking path, street market or known as 'Jonker Walk', and the most amusing are all the red building surrounding us there. That day was full of visitors so it's a bit crowded. Well, that was my first time visiting this historical town of our Malaysia. Love the environment there also. What I most like about Melaka are their yummy & cheap food (Their famous Nyonya Asam Laksa, Baba Laksa, Special Pulut chicken rice, Cendol with gula melaka syrup and lotsa home baked cookies too -.- drooling now~ yumm yumm) all these food only range from 50cents (hiong peng) to RM5. Much more cheaper than KL site lerr! keke... really not bad lar going there and you won't regret it! Sumore can see all the historical thingy which we've learn sejarah during secondary school wakaka~
Well, after the holiday I found out I'm gaining more weight so feeling very depressed now. Although saturday morning went to a workshop where the speaker told us we MUST THINK POSITIVELY! Haiss~ die lor this time really dunno how to lose all those kilos. Today, I start try to cut down my food intake again. Hopefully I can lose those extra weight~ I feel my whole body like so bloated ~ sobsss T___T ~ so emo now... when I think of me being FAT I feel like wanna cry, really never gain this much weight b4 in my entire life!
I'm the only one who's FAT amongst my siblings before my youngest brother was born la cos he was fatter than me when he's in primary sch. But let's go back to when I was still in primary school all my cousins keep teasing at me. Like everytime they saw me sure say why am I getting more and more chubby WTF! Arrggg... I was so angry until got 1 time, I never wanna go back kampung to meet all of them till my mum scolded me till I cried cos I never tell her the reason why I don't want to follow them go. ROAR~~!!!
Then, when I was in my Secondary school I think Junior 3 onwards, I think I had the best body ever! Wakaka~ maybe bcos of those stupid PE lesson where the teacher will force ppl to run dunno how many damn round around the school field or else you'll get punish, as for gals do squating while for the guys is push-ups so I sometimes will make excuse said I'm not feeling well bla.. bla.. bla... Haiss~ I really hate that part of my secondary time.
However, I love going to school that time becos I can hang out with my coolest buddy :D really happy to have them. My secondary sch time will be miserable without them~ haha thank you very much guys ^.^ Heart u all soo soo much! I really miss our time together.
How I wish there's a time machine so I can keep going back to those days ;-p Now, almost all of us have our own life and we weren't able to see each other so often anymore T__T ~ LOL why am I being so emo these day zzz... Last few nights, I kept dreaming of my school days time and I don't know what that means but I really feel that I'm back to that time again~ LoL I am dreaming after all.
Grrr~ need to go sleep now... Gudnite **blow kisses~muacksss**