*Pic taken from rage.com.my*
The movie is funny and it's kinda creepy also because of the Lizard Men called 'Sleestak', euuu... Thank God those creature not exist in our world Haha~
Then after watch movie, there was a Dodgeball Competition going on at the lobby. It was my 1st time watching the game and it's quite fun :D
Ermm... I'm sure some of you still dunno what is that. Well, from what I've learnt last night after watching the game, it's about throwing softball as big as a volleyball to each opponent (5 players per team) and if the player was hit by a ball then he is out. The oponent can either catch the ball that was being thrown by him he scored a point or use a ball to block their attack if they have one. Winning team will be the one who stayed during the battle.
^-^ Does the game sounds cool or what? Haha... I would like to try it one day.